March 8, 2020

The Shepherd's Corner

The first I

     The first “I” is integrity. Integrity is something we often talk about, and usually look at as a positive trait. When we say someone has integrity it’s a positive thing – a compliment, but how often do we desire integrity not just for our own good, but because of the impact it will have on others? 

     I often think of integrity as something that holds up – something that is strong – something that can withstand a storm. That’s why we say something that is solid – like a steel wall has “integrity.” That’s why buildings and ships are built to withstand storms – they have integrity. Other things don’t have integrity because they can’t stand up against storms, stresses, or pressure. 

     One of the best definitions of personal integrity I’ve heard is that it is who we are when no one is watching. If we want to have the right type of influence in the lives of others, we must begin with living a life of integrity. This means not just living a good life based on what others would call “good”, but this means living a blameless life that no one could call anything except solid, strong, pure, and trustworthy. To truly influence others, we must look at our own lives – our words, actions, word, choices, motivations, and see if we are truly living like Jesus because His life is the path to integrity. 

Paul writes, “For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of people,” (2 Cor. 8:21) because he knew that without integrity, his words about Jesus would be weak, hypocritical, and not trustworthy. Paul lived a life of integrity not just for God, but keeping others in mind, because he wanted to have influence for Christ in their lives. This week, let’s look at our lives to see just how solid and full of integrity we are. 

Pastor Steve

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