March 19, 2017

The Shepherd's Corner


This week I and a fellow deacon had the privilege of baptizing a sister in the Lord. She is not well enough to come to church for the baptism because about a week ago she suffered a massive stroke as a result of brain hemorrhage. Ever since she has been in coma. Both she and her husband have come and worshipped in our church on occasions. They would like to come more regularly but due to distance and age, they could not. But, both are believers in Jesus.

During the baptism, even though she could not participate verbally, I could tell that she was participating in spirit. I could see her eyes suddenly filled with tears and her facial expression showed that she was moved by what was happening. No words were necessary; her spirit already spoke, and that was more than enough. She, who was already a follower of Christ, through her baptism, made a public proclamation of her faith in Jesus as her Lord and Savior.

Sometime this week I also visited a brother in the Lord, who was recuperating from his illness. There was something that he said that really touched me. To express his appreciation and thanks to Jesus for accepting him, a sinner, into His Kingdom, this brother said, “To me what matters is not that I accepted Christ; what really matters is that He accepted me.” Amen and amen!

Yes, what is important is that Jesus accepted us when we were sinners—when we deserved it the least. How we accepted Him does not matter much; what matters is that He accepted us. And, He always accepts if we come to Him sincerely. This brother and this sister are now a part of God’s family, and so are we. Not so much because we accepted Him into our hearts but rather because He first accepted us into His heart.


This week I and a fellow deacon had the privilege of baptizing a sister in the Lord. She is not well enough to come to church for the baptism because about a week ago she suffered a massive stroke as a result of brain hemorrhage. Ever since she has been in coma. Both she and her husband have come and worshipped in our church on occasions. They would like to come more regularly but due to distance and age, they could not. But, both are believers in Jesus.

During the baptism, even though she could not participate verbally, I could tell that she was participating in spirit. I could see her eyes suddenly filled with tears and her facial expression showed that she was moved by what was happening. No words were necessary; her spirit already spoke, and that was more than enough. She, who was already a follower of Christ, through her baptism, made a public proclamation of her faith in Jesus as her Lord and Savior.

Sometime this week I also visited a brother in the Lord, who was recuperating from his illness. There was something that he said that really touched me. To express his appreciation and thanks to Jesus for accepting him, a sinner, into His Kingdom, this brother said, “To me what matters is not that I accepted Christ; what really matters is that He accepted me.” Amen and amen!

Yes, what is important is that Jesus accepted us when we were sinners—when we deserved it the least. How we accepted Him does not matter much; what matters is that He accepted us. And, He always accepts if we come to Him sincerely. This brother and this sister are now a part of God’s family, and so are we. Not so much because we accepted Him into our hearts but rather because He first accepted us into His heart.

Pastor Paul[:]

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