March 17, 2019

The Shepherd's Corner


What would you be accused of?
Remember in Daniel 6 when Daniel was thrown in the lion’s den? It was all because he prayed and he would do it so consistently, Daniel’s enemies in leadership knew they could trap him with it.
People in leadership didn’t like Daniel and were looking for ways to accuse him, but couldn’t think of anything UNLESS it had to do with his God?
What could people accuse you of? Can the same be said of us – that there would be absolutely nothing people could accuse us of EXCEPT our relationship with God?
So, since this is the only thing they could come up with, they tricked the king into making a rule about praying. Remember that Daniel opened the windows to face Jerusalem numerous times a day. He wasn’t hiding the fact that he was praying, but opening those windows because his heart longed to return to Jerusalem so much that he didn’t care who saw him.
What are the things that bring you to your knees in prayer? Are your prayers so known by others that they know if they are going to accuse you of something, they could always accuse you of following God? Is your life so full of integrity that people know they can’t accuse you of anything – no corruption, no gossip, no cheating, nothing that people are usually accused of – they’d only be able to accuse you of something if it had something to do with your faith?
I would love my life to be like Daniel’s – that there’s nothing people could accuse me of (and be right) unless it’s something that has to do with my faith and how I live my faith out daily for God.
Because of Daniel’s faithfulness, the mouths of lions were closed, a king spent the night fasting, and an entire nation was told to worship and follow Daniel’s God. Faithfulness pays off.

Pastor Steve

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