June 30, 2019

The Shepherd's Corner

God does not call us home in the same manner.  Last Sunday God called our brother Po Yung home at about 11:20, the time we were praying for him while singing the songs, “Spirit We Love You” and “How Great Thou Art.”  The way I see it, we were all walking with our brother Po Yung to the gate of heaven, praying for him and praising Our Savior God. It was a joyous farewell, indeed.

When I looked at the life of our brother Po Yung, I could not help but see, grace—abundant grace.  His life reminds me of this verse from John 1:16, “From His fullness we have all received grace upon grace.”  Even the timing of God’s call was an expression of His grace to our brother. As you might have already known he just had his right leg amputated, not only above the knee but all the way to the upper part of his thigh.  When I visited him on Friday a week ago, I was deeply concerned when I spotted his left foot—it was all dark.

I could not help but think of the worst case scenario—the doctor might have to amputate that other leg to save his life.  And, I couldn’t imagine how he would handle that loss, should it happen. So, when I heard that God had called our brother home, what came to mind was “grace upon grace.”  In God’s perfect will and in His perfect timing, He once again showed our brother, grace.

I am sure we all can say the same about our own experiences living with Christ Our Savior.  It’s usually when we least expect it, when we think there is no more door to open, God surprises us.  He pours His grace upon us—one after another. Santy and I have received grace upon grace from His fullness—through you.  We wish to thank you for your love and care. May God from His fullness bless you—and surprise you—with grace upon grace!  

Pastor Paul

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