June 2, 2024

The Shepherd's Corner

We finally took Oliver our dog to the vet last Wednesday.  After saying goodbye to him, we released him and within minutes, he was no longer with us.  He was 17 years old or over 90 years of human age.  The doctor affirmed our decision to let him go especially after he had episodes of seizure, indicative of brain tumor.  The doctor explained that at this age, Oliver could no longer see or hear, and that the only language he understood was touch.  He knew that we loved him when we touched and held him. That’s his last language.

Words are important and necessary to convey how much we care for someone.  However, after a certain age, neither can we hear nor read words of love.  At that advanced age, the only language we can understand is touch.  When someone holds us lovingly, we know we are loved.  When someone holds us roughly and impatiently, we know we are not loved. At the end of life, when we can neither hear nor read, smell, and taste, we’ll be blessed if we are held with love.

Last Wednesday our sister Shinta underwent surgery. Before she went in, we—her two children and I—prayed for her.  While talking, I told her children that I could see how much they love their mother. In response, they said that it was their mother who first loved them.  They are simply giving back what their parents have given them.  Hearing that I was reminded of a simple truth: love breeds love.  We who love will be loved; we who hold will be held, even till we’re old.

Henri Nouwen was deeply inspired by Rembrandt’s painting, The Return of the Prodigal Son, but the part of the painting that affected him the most was the drawing of the father’s hands’ touching the boy’s shoulders. Not only did he accept his son back, but he also touched him with his hands.  That is how God expresses His love to us when words aren’t adequate. He just reaches out and touches us.

Pastor Paul

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