July 8, 2018

The Shepherd's Corner


What do you treasure?

There are many people and things that I treasure. How about you?

I treasure my family, friends, faith, being able to be active, health, happiness – there are many things that I treasure. When I was young, I treasured baseball cards. Every dollar I made, I would use to go and buy baseball cards. You may think that is ridiculous – and it is – if your treasure is somewhere else. Some people may treasure security, safety, a nice house, fast cars, even certain foods – don’t some people LOOOOVE durian! When we look at the places, things, or people who our hearts are connection to and long for, we can see what things we treasure.

In Matthew 6:21, Jesus said, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Whatever we treasure is the place where our hearts are connected to.

In all the things that you treasure – where does God fall? Because if we don’t treasure Him, our hearts won’t be fully connected to Him.

If we truly want to experience the fullness of life and depth of calling and purpose in our lives, we must first treasure our Lord and let our hearts be longing for a deeper relationship with Him – when we get to that place in life, we will find that He is our treasure and He will quickly become all that we ever want and ever need.

Pastor Steve

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