July 4, 2015

The Shepherd's Corner


To be a pastor is an honorable calling. The honor lies in two facts. First, the calling is from God. It is always an honor to be called by God to do something for Him. Secondly, the calling is to the people. God calls us pastors to minister the people of God. As your pastor I have been fortunate to be awarded this privilege.THE SHEPHERD’S CORNER

To be a pastor is an honorable calling. The honor lies in two facts. First, the calling is from God. It is always an honor to be called by God to do something for Him. Secondly, the calling is to the people. God calls us pastors to minister the people of God. As your pastor I have been fortunate to be awarded this privilege.

It is an honor to be called to your home when you have something to celebrate. It is an honor to be invited to be a part of your family. I also consider it an honor to be called to your home when you have something to cry about. And, I take it as an honor to be confided in—when you share your deepest secrets with me, and no one else.

Today after the service two members of our church family, Oom Ping Tiauw and Tante Ansy will receive holy baptism in their home. They have been a part of our church family for quite some time. So, we thank God that they are now ready to make a public declaration of their faith in Jesus. In the words of Tante Ansy, “I am now ready to fully surrender!” Now both call Jesus, “Savior.” Amen!

Words like that really made my heart leap for joy. During the course of Oom Ping Tiauw’s illness many have come. Many have prayed for them and encouraged them. Through the words of many—but especially through the love of many—they have been strengthened and made ready to take a bold step. It is truly an honor to be an extension of the grace of Our Lord Jesus.

All this reminds me of the reality that in our church I am just one of the many pastors. God has used you to become pastors for each other. You pray and strengthen one another; you call and visit one another. And, you lead others a step closer to Jesus and His love.

Pastor Paul

It is an honor to be called to your home when you have something to celebrate. It is an honor to be invited to be a part of your family. I also consider it an honor to be called to your home when you have something to cry about. And, I take it as an honor to be confided in—when you share your deepest secrets with me, and no one else.

Today after the service two members of our church family, Oom Ping Tiauw and Tante Ansy will receive holy baptism in their home. They have been a part of our church family for quite some time. So, we thank God that they are now ready to make a public declaration of their faith in Jesus. In the words of Tante Ansy, “I am now ready to fully surrender!” Now both call Jesus, “Savior.” Amen!

Words like that really made my heart leap for joy. During the course of Oom Ping Tiauw’s illness many have come. Many have prayed for them and encouraged them. Through the words of many—but especially through the love of many—they have been strengthened and made ready to take a bold step. It is truly an honor to be an extension of the grace of Our Lord Jesus.

All this reminds me of the reality that in our church I am just one of the many pastors. God has used you to become pastors for each other. You pray and strengthen one another; you call and visit one another. And, you lead others a step closer to Jesus and His love.

Pastor Paul

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