July 25, 2015

The Shepherd's Corner


This week there are two church families who are grieving the loss of their loved ones. First is Ibu Rooz Taroreh who lost her oldest brother on Monday in Manado and secondly is Tante Els Sumarouw whose younger sister passed away Friday morning here in Glendale. We as a church grieve with them and pray for them. May Jesus Our Good Shepherd comfort them!THE SHEPHERD’S CORNER

This week there are two church families who are grieving the loss of their loved ones. First is Ibu Rooz Taroreh who lost her oldest brother on Monday in Manado and secondly is Tante Els Sumarouw whose younger sister passed away Friday morning here in Glendale. We as a church grieve with them and pray for them. May Jesus Our Good Shepherd comfort them!

Santy and I also grieve the passing of someone whom we called Aunty Bev. She was the wife of one of our deacons at the previous church I was a part of. All her life she served as a Sunday school teacher and a score of her former students are now either teaching Sunday school or serving the Lord in some capacity. We consider ourselves fortunate because less than a month ago we had the privilege of visiting with her and her husband. Little did we know that it was to be our last meeting on earth!

In times like these I am once again reminded of the words of Pastor Chuck Smith before he passed away last year. In paraphrase this is what he said, “After I die, you will read in the paper, “Chuck Smith died.’ No, don’t write it like that. Instead, please write, ‘Chuck Smith moved.’ ” Yes, when we die as children of God, we move from our earthly home to our heavenly home.

Mr. Arie Moningka, Mrs. Elita Sumarouw Bald, and Mrs. Beverly Lee have all moved from their earthly dwelling to their new home in heaven. They have also left their small circle of brothers and sisters on earth to join in a much larger circle of brothers and sisters in heaven. It will be a reunion and a new union. May the words of Our Lord strengthen us all, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in Me.” (John 14:1) We do, Lord. We do!

Pastor Paul

Santy and I also grieve the passing of someone whom we called Aunty Bev. She was the wife of one of our deacons at the previous church I was a part of. All her life she served as a Sunday school teacher and a score of her former students are now either teaching Sunday school or serving the Lord in some capacity. We consider ourselves fortunate because less than a month ago we had the privilege of visiting with her and her husband. Little did we know that it was to be our last meeting on earth!

In times like these I am once again reminded of the words of Pastor Chuck Smith before he passed away last year. In paraphrase this is what he said, “After I die, you will read in the paper, “Chuck Smith died.’ No, don’t write it like that. Instead, please write, ‘Chuck Smith moved.’ ” Yes, when we die as children of God, we move from our earthly home to our heavenly home.

Mr. Arie Moningka, Mrs. Elita Sumarouw Bald, and Mrs. Beverly Lee have all moved from their earthly dwelling to their new home in heaven. They have also left their small circle of brothers and sisters on earth to join in a much larger circle of brothers and sisters in heaven. It will be a reunion and a new union. May the words of Our Lord strengthen us all, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in Me.” (John 14:1) We do, Lord. We do!

Pastor Paul

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