January 7, 2024

The Shepherd's Corner

Every year we wish each other a happy new year knowing full-well that it may not happen. In fact, we know that it will not happen.  At its best this year—like the years before—will only be a mixture of happy times and gloomy times. Nonetheless we still say it; and this shows that not only is there a longing in us to see something better but also a belief that there will be something better.  God has really put eternity in our hearts, just like what is said in Ecclesiastes 3:11.

I just received news from a colleague of mine in the Bible school that his condition has ameliorated significantly.  Going into his third year of living with Stage Four lung cancer, he is somehow getting stronger after suffering setbacks that were considered close calls.  There were moments when he thought he would not live another day but by the grace of God, he lived another day and still lives till today.  God wants him to live and there’s nothing that can stop Him.

Living in and with Jesus Our Lord does not only give us hope for a better life in heaven, but it also gives us assurance of a better life on earth. Not perfect, but better.  It is better because we know that He cares for us and is with us every step of the way.  It’s better because of the promise made, “He has made everything beautiful in its time” (Ecclesiastes 3:11) and that promise is not only to be fulfilled when we go to heaven but also while we still live here on earth. There is something beautiful that He is making through situations we face.

So, what is to be our attitude as we enter this new year?  I think you already got it.  When I saw you have a good time—singing, laughing, and dancing on New Year’s Eve—I knew that you already got it.  You already live by Matthew 6:34. “. . . don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.”  Amen! 

Pastor Paul

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