January 24, 2021

The Shepherd's Corner


Yesterday in the wee morning hour our brother Darma moved to his new home in heaven.  Jesus Our Savior came and took him to His eternal and glorious dwelling where there is no more sickness and sorrow.  Darma fought a good fight and he finished well.  Despite his long illness he kept the faith; he never wavered and stayed faithful till the end.  His body may have decayed but not his faith in Jesus; it remained strong and glowing every day from sunrise to sunset. 

Revelation 22:20-21 comprise the last verses of the Bible, “He who testifies to these things says, ‘Yes, I am coming soon.’  Amen.  Come, Lord Jesus.  The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people.  Amen.”  But, as we can see, these are the beginning, not an ending to a book.  These are not words to conclude a story; these are in fact words to a new story.  Jesus Our Lord promised that He would come again and with His coming, a new story begins in heaven.

We often think of life as a book where our birth marks the first chapter and our death, its last.  But it is not so.  Our death is not to be the last chapter; it is merely another chapter because right after, there is another chapter, and this is to be the best chapter of all.  It is to be the best chapter not because everything and everyone will be different and new.  No, we will meet and be with those we have known; even the new acquaintances will be familiar and dear to us.  Most importantly we will be with Our Heavenly Father Whom we have intimately known; Whom we talk to and share with daily. 

As C. S. Lewis explains, “When we see the face of God, we shall know that we have always known it.   He has been a party to, has made, sustained and moved moment by moment within, all our earthly experiences of innocent love.”  Hallelujah!

Pastor Paul

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