January 16, 2022

The Shepherd's Corner

There is no racial problem; there is only spiritual problem.  When I was interviewed for the recent article in the paper, that was the message I stressed and wished to convey.  If our hearts are filled with the love of God, there will be no room for hatred.  In the words of John Wesley, “When our hearts are full of love, there will be no more room for sin.”  That’s what inspired me to return to Indonesia and that’s what I witnessed among my brothers and sisters there.  And that was the lesson I learned and brought back here.

There was another lesson that I learned and brought back here. Whether others accept us or not depends on what it is they see in us.  If they see us ready to accept and love them, they will reach out to us.  On the contrary if they see us ready to reject them or to use them, they will stay away from us.  So, it all depends on us.  The questions we must then ask ourselves are, “What do others see in us?  Do they see love or hate?”  If they see love, they will love back.

I consider myself fortunate because I have been surrounded by so many people who show love and acceptance.  Too many to count.  It is a truly humbling experience because I do not think I deserve it. In response I can only pray for them and promise myself that I will try to love them more and serve them better.  I think that was what Jesus Our Lord had in mind when He commanded us to love one another.  He wanted this world to be run on “love one another.” 

This church—this body of Christ—is run on “love one another.”  You call one another, you help one another, you go out dining with one another, you pray for one another.  And something holy happens when we live on one another: We cannot live without one another!  That is the reason why it is so tough not to have lunch after church. 

Pastor Paul

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