February 4, 2024

The Shepherd's Corner

How do we define greatness?

There are some amazing people in the world who many would call great – great athletes, great musicians, great leaders, great designers, great parents, great students, and the list could go on – often times we look at greatness and aspire to be like those people, but why?

I’m sure God sees greatness in those people, and actually in all of us – but He has a different criterion for those He considers the greatest.

Jesus says in Mattew 23:11, “The greatest among you shall be your servant.”

But sometimes the role or a position of a servant isn’t always the most appealing position; it often isn’t the type of position or lifestyle that someone aspires to be like.

There’s got to be something special though about being known as a servant; something that sets us apart in God’s eyes. Jesus also said, “If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also”. John 12:26

And there we find the secret, the power, and the reason behind choosing to posture ourselves in the role, lifestyle, and decisions to be a servant – we’ll be where Jesus is. It will be the position or role in life that we’ll be most able to identify with Jesus. It’s the secret to developing a heart like His and be great in His eyes.

Pastor Steve

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