February 28, 2016

The Shepherd's Corner

Easter Time - The Disciples

As we approach one of the most wonderful times of the year, Easter, I thought that we could try to look through the eyes of those who experienced is the closest: The Disciples, The women, The soldiers, and Jesus himself. THE SHEPHERD’S CORNER
Easter Time - The Disciples

As we approach one of the most wonderful times of the year, Easter, I thought that we could try to look through the eyes of those who experienced is the closest: The Disciples, The women, The soldiers, and Jesus himself.
3 So Peter and the other disciple started for the tomb. 4 Both were running, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first. John 20
Can you imagine being one of the disciples and hearing that the tomb is empty? I try to imagine what I would feel like if I were them. You left your job, your circle of friends, your comfort zone, basically you were willing to leave everything for this man who you thought was the Messiah. You saw Him do miracles, teach with authority, and touch your own heart. You were willing to die for this man, but then you fail, fall, and don't remain faithful. Then He dies and is buried, but you remember what He said - 3 days. As you're sitting around with your friends you've been with for the past few years the ladies come and tell you the news that really changes everything - The tomb is empty!
I understand why Peter and John ran. What excitement! What joy! Because that empty tomb meant everything in the story of Jesus and everything in their story following Him. He was the Messiah!
When's the last time you ran to Jesus because you were aware and reminded of the greatest single fact - He is the Messiah! What really else matters? Maybe I doubt more than the disciples at times, and maybe I doubt less, but one thing I have to ask myself - am I running to Jesus celebrating who He is and the fact that I know Him? Because there's nothing really more important than that. May God bless us with hearts that run to Him as we approach this Easter.

Pastor Steve
3 So Peter and the other disciple started for the tomb. 4 Both were running, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first. John 20
Can you imagine being one of the disciples and hearing that the tomb is empty? I try to imagine what I would feel like if I were them. You left your job, your circle of friends, your comfort zone, basically you were willing to leave everything for this man who you thought was the Messiah. You saw Him do miracles, teach with authority, and touch your own heart. You were willing to die for this man, but then you fail, fall, and don't remain faithful. Then He dies and is buried, but you remember what He said - 3 days. As you're sitting around with your friends you've been with for the past few years the ladies come and tell you the news that really changes everything - The tomb is empty!
I understand why Peter and John ran. What excitement! What joy! Because that empty tomb meant everything in the story of Jesus and everything in their story following Him. He was the Messiah!
When's the last time you ran to Jesus because you were aware and reminded of the greatest single fact - He is the Messiah! What really else matters? Maybe I doubt more than the disciples at times, and maybe I doubt less, but one thing I have to ask myself - am I running to Jesus celebrating who He is and the fact that I know Him? Because there's nothing really more important than that. May God bless us with hearts that run to Him as we approach this Easter.

Pastor Steve

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