February 2, 2020

The Shepherd's Corner


After Bible Study last Wednesday, at a little after 5, Oom Anthon slipped into the eternal presence of the Lord. Prior to that he had difficulty breathing, so he was taken to ER and while there in the hospital he suffered cardiac arrest and had to be put on life support. So, we all got together and prayed for him. But God had a different plan for him; Jesus Our Lord came and took Oom Anthon home.

Oom Anthon loved the house of God and he loved to be in the house of God. Not only did he do much for the house of God, he also loved worshipping and fellowshipping in the house of God. Almost every Wednesday he asked Tante Sumie whether it was Wednesday because he wanted to go to our Bible Study Fellowship. Unfortunately, his health did not permit him the luxury to attend Bible Study or Sunday service anymore. But his heart and spirit always attended; he never missed a single meeting.

God has different plans for each of us, but He has the same love for each of us, His beloved children. In one week, we lost two of our beloved: Tante Sioe and Oom Anthon. We prayed for them week after week, but God had a different—and a far better—plan for them. Our prayers for them are no longer needed because they are already in the eternal and blissful presence of Jesus Our Savior.

In I Timothy 6:12, Paul encourages Timothy to “fight the good fight of the faith” and to “take hold of the eternal life.” In II Timothy 4:7, Paul tells Timothy, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award me to me on that day.” Both Tante Sioe and Oom Anthon have finished the race and kept the faith. Selamat jalan, Tante dan Oom!

Pastor Paul

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