December 9, 2018

The Shepherd's Corner


One of the hardest things to face is reality. The other day our grandson gave me a dose of reality. While we were sitting down next to each other, watching his favorite program, ut of the blue he turned around, looked straight at my tummy, then delivered his keen observation, “You have a big belly, Grandpa!” Being a more mature and civilized adult, I, of course, replied, “Yes, I do, Jed.”

Was I hurt by his comment? Yes, a little bit. I think it’s human to want to look slim and slender at age almost 60. But I could take it; I wouldn’t hold a grudge against this little creature who doesn’t even know how tough it is to lose a pound! Well, there is another reason why I could take his comment about the size of my belly, though. You see, every time I visit him, while we’re watching his favorite program, sitting side by side, he’ll usually turn around, put his hands around my neck, then, gently whisper, “I love you, Grandpa.”

On occasions God delivers His honest observation about us. When He does—and when it is about our moral deficits—we won’t like it. We may get hurt or sometimes, angry. But, then, we remember, for one dose of unpleasant reality, He lavishes us with ten doses of pleasant reality—that He truly loves us and genuinely cares for us.

When God sent His son, Jesus, to the world two thousand years ago, He was in fact sending us a message of reality: that we were living in the dark, that we were controlled by sin, and that we were helpless. He had to send His Son because there was no other way to help us. He came to the world fully aware of the fact that He would die on the cross. But, still He did. And, 33 years later, He died. Romans 5:8 reminds us this painful reality, “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Pastor Paul

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