December 31, 2023

The Shepherd's Corner

The other day there was a heart-warming article in the Times about the Weingarten couple who have been married for 82 years.  Jack is 105 and his wife Carla is 100; and they are still holding hands.  What is their secret?  Well, jokingly Jack used to tell their two sons that the key to a healthy marriage is, “the man always having the last word: Yes, dear.’ “ Funny, but there is truth to it, isn’t it?  We both must be willing to give in; we must let go; and we must hold hands. 

By the grace of God, Santy and I celebrated our 39th years together.  It has not always been easy; we have our share of struggles, just like anybody else.  But it has been a blessing and growing time after all.  We have been together not because life is always easy; no, on the contrary, we have been together despite the challenges we face. We both say amen to the words of Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:10, “For when I am weak, then I am strong.”  We are strong because, as Jesus Our Lord assured Paul, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9).

As we all look back on 2023, we, too, can say amen to the words of Paul and the assurance given to us by Our Blessed Lord, “My grace is sufficient for you.”  Perhaps there were times when we wondered whether we could get through certain hardships we were facing but somehow, we managed to.  Perhaps there were times when we did not even know whether we would have enough to go on or have another day to live, but somehow, we managed to.  Through it all we say, “Your grace is sufficient.  Thank you, Jesus for Your grace.”

Jack Weinstein told his caregiver that the secret to a happy marriage is, “making sure that when you go to bed at night with your wife, things are settled.  Don’t go to bed upset.”  A good advice!  God’s grace is sufficient but to receive it, we must first clean our hearts.

Pastor Paul

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