August 4, 2019

The Shepherd's Corner


I have met several genius people and I have also met with their spouses.  I notice there’s one thing they all share in common: They are all married to highly intelligent women.  I cannot say that this is the norm but at least that’s what I see among those I know.  After all C. S. Lewis, that brilliant English writer whom I consider a genius, was also married to a fellow genius, Joy Davidman. 

So, maybe it is true that birds of the same feathers flock together; genius flock together with their fellow genius.  No wonder Sergius Paulus, the Roman governor of Cyprus in the days of Paul the apostle, chose Elymas bar Jesus to be his trusted confidant.  Sergius, Paulus, desribed as “an intelligent man” by Dr. Luke, must have found a high intelligence in Elymas—a quality he cherished.

Intelligent people have many advantages, but they must also face a lot of challenges—one of them is ambition.  As reading books will open the treasure chest of knowledge, having intelligence will also open the door of opportunities; hence, where ambition comes to play.  I believe Elymas did not start life as an evil man; he was just smart and somehow by providence he got the attention of the governor.  I believe he got greedy later in life, after he cemented his position, after the door of opportunity was wide open.  Thus, began the climb: From ambition and greed, to evil and lies.

C. S. Lewis explains, “Nothing can deceive unless it bears a plausible resemblance to reality . . . . No one can deceive you unless he makes you think he is telling the truth.”  Evidently that’s what Elymas did so well as a false prophet of God that even the governor bought his lies.  No doubt, he must have quoted words of God, but he did not speak for God.  He could not lie to God; no one can lie to God.

Pastor Paul

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