August 26, 2018

The Shepherd's Corner


As you already knew Tante Daisy has been receiving treatment in a nursing facility as a result of the fracture she suffered from the fall a couple of weeks ago. Despite being mostly in bed, I can assure you, she has not lost her sense of humor. The other day when I visited her, her daughter Beppy made a comment, how much she and her mom missed going to church. Upon hearing that, Tante Daisy just quipped, “But, the church has come to me.” She was referring to the visitation team that came on Monday. Praise the Lord!

There is time we can go to church, but there will be time in which even though we want to, we cannot. But, I am happy to know that you care for one another that when that time comes, you will make sure that the church will come to those who can no longer go to church. One more person who wants to come to church but cannot is Oom Anton, whose muscles have become so weak that he can no longer stand, let alone walk. He, too, looks forward to welcoming the church in his home. Praise the Lord!

If the US Marine Corps is known for their motto, Semper Fidelis, Latin for, “always faithful,” the US military as a whole is known for their creed, “Leave No Man Behind.” Soldiers will do their best to extract their wounded fellow soldiers and even retrieve the bodies of their fellow soldiers killed in battlefield. They will not leave any man behind, dead or alive. Honorable ethos!

We, Christians, also adhere to the same creed. If you cannot come to church anymore, the church will come to you. If Jesus does not forget you, neither would we. We want to remember you in our action, as well as in our prayers. We want you to still be a part of the church, wherever you are. We won’t leave anyone behind.


As you already knew Tante Daisy has been receiving treatment in a nursing facility as a result of the fracture she suffered from the fall a couple of weeks ago. Despite being mostly in bed, I can assure you, she has not lost her sense of humor. The other day when I visited her, her daughter Beppy made a comment, how much she and her mom missed going to church. Upon hearing that, Tante Daisy just quipped, “But, the church has come to me.” She was referring to the visitation team that came on Monday. Praise the Lord!

There is time we can go to church, but there will be time in which even though we want to, we cannot. But, I am happy to know that you care for one another that when that time comes, you will make sure that the church will come to those who can no longer go to church. One more person who wants to come to church but cannot is Oom Anton, whose muscles have become so weak that he can no longer stand, let alone walk. He, too, looks forward to welcoming the church in his home. Praise the Lord!

If the US Marine Corps is known for their motto, Semper Fidelis, Latin for, “always faithful,” the US military as a whole is known for their creed, “Leave No Man Behind.” Soldiers will do their best to extract their wounded fellow soldiers and even retrieve the bodies of their fellow soldiers killed in battlefield. They will not leave any man behind, dead or alive. Honorable ethos!

We, Christians, also adhere to the same creed. If you cannot come to church anymore, the church will come to you. If Jesus does not forget you, neither would we. We want to remember you in our action, as well as in our prayers. We want you to still be a part of the church, wherever you are. We won’t leave anyone behind.

Pastor Paul[:]

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