August 22, 2021

The Shepherd's Corner

Children are like plants.  To grow them we must care for them and ensure that they receive what they need.  But like plants, children do not grow in the same rate and in the same way.  Some grow fast to be mature and responsible adults; some grow not so fast.  Some grow consistently but some, interruptedly.  Some show a growing interest in spiritual matter but suddenly they just stop. 

There was a couple of plants on the westside of our lawn that stood green for a long time.  But over a year ago they withered, leaving no leaves on their twigs.  I did not make a big deal out of it because I assume they would only be in this state temporarily.  My hope was up when I noticed one of the plants start growing again.  But when I did not see any signs of life in the other plant for months—despite watering—I began to worry that this plant was indeed dead. But something miraculous happened over a week ago; I noticed green leaves on its twigs. It turned out that this plant was never dead.

We as parents can only do so much; we wish we could do more for our children but no, we cannot.  Like plants, they can appear “dead” spiritually but unbeknownst to us, the root is still very much alive.  Yes, they may not be bearing fruit and appear unconcerned toward spiritual matter, but the root is still alive.  What we must do is to water it—never stop praying for them—and feed it with love.  One day when the time is right, God will touch this root and grow it up.

For a long time, C. S. Lewis lived as an atheist.  But surrounded by Christians such as Tolkien finally rub off on him; he began to believe in God.  Then one day, exactly two years later, he wrote, “I have just passed on from believing in God to definitely believing in Christ—in Christianity.”  The root began to sprout and bear fruit—in His time.

Pastor Paul

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