April 29, 2018

The Shepherd's Corner


Don’t think at all

It amazes me sometimes when I can truly grasp just how much God has forgiven us.

Last week one of our college students asked me about God and how He appears to be so different in the Old Testament…there is so much fighting and judgement – why is that? Is it really fair? Why does Israel go into places and destroy other nations?

It’s a good question.

I think a big part of what makes it hard is that we don’t really realize just how huge our sin is and how pure God is. The Old Testament really gives us a powerful image of how bad sin is and what judgement of that sin is like. When I remember that, the death and sacrifice of Jesus for all of our sins on the Cross takes on a whole new meaning.

Because once that price was paid He claimed – It’s finished! It’s done! There’s nothing left to do! There’s nothing we can do! We are completely free!

He doesn’t think about it at all – if we truly come to Him with a repentant heart – it’s gone. Don’t think about it! Remember you are free. We shouldn’t abuse our freedom, take it for granted, misuse it, but at the same time we need to remember that when the Son has set us free – we are free! So don’t think about it – just live for Him in all of the beauty and freedom that He give us. This life can be the greatest adventure because we have Him


Don’t think at all

It amazes me sometimes when I can truly grasp just how much God has forgiven us.

Last week one of our college students asked me about God and how He appears to be so different in the Old Testament…there is so much fighting and judgement – why is that? Is it really fair? Why does Israel go into places and destroy other nations?

It’s a good question.

I think a big part of what makes it hard is that we don’t really realize just how huge our sin is and how pure God is. The Old Testament really gives us a powerful image of how bad sin is and what judgement of that sin is like. When I remember that, the death and sacrifice of Jesus for all of our sins on the Cross takes on a whole new meaning.

Because once that price was paid He claimed – It’s finished! It’s done! There’s nothing left to do! There’s nothing we can do! We are completely free!

He doesn’t think about it at all – if we truly come to Him with a repentant heart – it’s gone. Don’t think about it! Remember you are free. We shouldn’t abuse our freedom, take it for granted, misuse it, but at the same time we need to remember that when the Son has set us free – we are free! So don’t think about it – just live for Him in all of the beauty and freedom that He give us. This life can be the greatest adventure because we have Him

Pastor Steve[:]

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