April 21, 2024

The Shepherd's Corner

On Sunday in the wee morning hour Our Blessed Lord came and took Tante Margaret home.  And on Monday evening, or Tuesday morning in Jakarta, Our Blessed Lord came and took Oom Arief home.  Two faithful members of our church are now attending worship in the House of the Lord along with other believers.  They are no longer beset by illnesses or other human infirmities; instead, they are clothed with glory and filled with love and peace and joy.

The day before Tante Margaret slipped into eternity, Santy and I, along with Cynthia and Roni had the honor of singing and praying with her and for her. Despite the oxygen mask she had to put on her face, she remained in good spirits.  She sang along and conversed with us.  Hours later she peacefully joined the heavenly hosts.  A couple of months ago I had the privilege of visiting Tante Betsy and Oom Arief in Jakarta.  As I shared with you, they were happy to see me and looked forward to “going home” to Monrovia where for years they lived and worshipped with us week after week. But God had a different plan, a better one, instead of Monrovia, it’s Heaven.

Isaiah (55:8-9) reminds us, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.  Once again, we are reminded that we do not know about tomorrow and that we can only make plans for tomorrow.  His plans may be the same or different from those of ours, but should they be different, we will still rejoice because we know that His plans are better than ours. 

On my birthday our daughter made her children create birthday cards for me. One of them drew me and him walking along the trees while holding a balloon.  To me, that’s the closest thing to being in Heaven. I am sure that you will agree with me that it is a far better place than anywhere on earth.  Heavens are always a better plan.

Pastor Paul

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