April 14, 2024

The Shepherd's Corner

Those of you who already attended our church in the late 70’s and early 80’s might still remember Oom Po Djin, later knowns as Gene Ho, or Pastor Gene Ho.  On Monday Our Lord Jesus came and took him home.  The last few years had been hard for him as he was beset by physical challenges.  But each time he came out of it, he never forgot to give thanks to God.  I never heard him complain.

Oom Po Djin was the pianist of our church, perhaps, the first pianist. He was so talented that he could play classical pieces as easily as he played contemporary ones.  Sunday after Sunday he sat at the piano bench to accompany congregational singing, until Santy came and alternated with him.  And of course, our beloved Oom John would preach, and lead the congregational singing every Sunday, until one day he asked me to the lead the congregational singing.  His reason was, “I cannot reach the high notes anymore.”  Thank you, Oom! 

The past is the present.  We cannot incise the past; it is and will be in us.  Hence, the more and the better seed we planted in the past, the more and the better fruit we will reap in the present.  Oom John at the pulpit and Oom Po Djin at the piano both planted good seeds.  And these seeds continue to bear fruit even till today.  “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.”  “Yes,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow them,” John the Apostle reminds us in Revelation 14:13.  Rest, Oom Po Djin.

The older I get, the more I understand and appreciate opportunities.  I’d like to think that we can create opportunities, but I do not think so.  Opportunities are given from Above; they are gifts from God.  And they are like the train; they stop at the stations, but they move again.  If we do not get on board, we will be left behind.  And so is it with opportunities. Sent by the Good Lord, they come, and they go. 

Pastor Paul

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