June 6, 2015

The Shepherd's Corner


A couple of days ago Santy and I went to the hospital to visit somebody. Since it was around noon, instead of going straight to the car, we decided to just sit at the courtyard and eat our lunch there. It was then that Santy and I noticed there were ducks walking around the grass area and behind them there was this little girl who was just standing there, watching these ducks.THE SHEPHERD’S CORNER

A couple of days ago Santy and I went to the hospital to visit somebody. Since it was around noon, instead of going straight to the car, we decided to just sit at the courtyard and eat our lunch there. It was then that Santy and I noticed there were ducks walking around the grass area and behind them there was this little girl who was just standing there, watching these ducks.

It was obvious that this little girl was not only fascinated by these ducks, she also seemed so eager to make connection with them. Because we had extra bread, we decided to offer her the bread so she could feed the ducks—an offer she gladly received. In no time she began feeding the ducks and in no time the ducks began coming to her waiting to be fed. It was quite a sight!

Suddenly Santy and I saw that some people literally stopped, pulled out their smartphones, and began recording how much this young girl was having, sitting on the grass, feeding the ducks. We also noticed some people decided to sit on the bench near the grass area so they could enjoy this magnificent view. And, it all began with something simple yet profoundly powerful—compassion.

You see, Santy and I were moved with compassion when we saw this little girl. One simple—and actually not even worth mentioning—gesture started this chained reaction that made a number of people stop and smile. And, all this took place not in an amusement park, not in a fancy resort, but at a hospital courtyard.

God constantly looks for compassion and He can’t wait to bless it when He finds one. You see, He knows how powerful and how God-glorifying compassion is. So, let us present this offering to Him.

Pastor Paul

It was obvious that this little girl was not only fascinated by these ducks, she also seemed so eager to make connection with them. Because we had extra bread, we decided to offer her the bread so she could feed the ducks—an offer she gladly received. In no time she began feeding the ducks and in no time the ducks began coming to her waiting to be fed. It was quite a sight!

Suddenly Santy and I saw that some people literally stopped, pulled out their smartphones, and began recording how much this young girl was having, sitting on the grass, feeding the ducks. We also noticed some people decided to sit on the bench near the grass area so they could enjoy this magnificent view. And, it all began with something simple yet profoundly powerful—compassion.

You see, Santy and I were moved with compassion when we saw this little girl. One simple—and actually not even worth mentioning—gesture started this chained reaction that made a number of people stop and smile. And, all this took place not in an amusement park, not in a fancy resort, but at a hospital courtyard.

God constantly looks for compassion and He can’t wait to bless it when He finds one. You see, He knows how powerful and how God-glorifying compassion is. So, let us present this offering to Him.

Pastor Paul

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