January 11, 2015

The Shepherd's Corner

Some of you have come up to tell me how much you enjoyed the New Year’s Eve Service and Celebration.  Thank you!  It makes me happy to know that you all had a good time.  However what makes me happier is the comments that some of you made.  You said it was like a family’s event because everybody was involved, from preparing it to dancing it and to cleaning it.  Amen!Some of you have come up to tell me how much you enjoyed the New Year’s Eve Service and Celebration.  Thank you!  It makes me happy to know that you all had a good time.  However what makes me happier is the comments that some of you made.  You said it was like a family’s event because everybody was involved, from preparing it to dancing it and to cleaning it.  Amen!
Yes, it was a family event.  Some of you had made the preparation by thinking and planning the program, by getting the songs ready, by giving a crashed course on dancing (which I proudly claim that I took part in it!), by decorating the hall and the tables so artistically, by spending hours and dollars preparing the food, by serving it, and by cleaning it.  (Forgive me if forgot to mention others; my memory does not always serve me well.)

Personally I also would like to thank some of you who years ago had thought of having a fun and Christ-centered New Year’s Eve Celebration.  That’s the beginning of it all—a desire to align everything that we do to that which gives glory to Jesus Our Lord.  I remember some years ago the preparation was done by only a handful of you.  It was definitely a daunting task to prepare something of that magnitude with only a few helping hands.  So, now you passed the baton over to the church to continue this good tradition.  Thank you.  Your labor in the Lord was not in vain.

Yes, our labor in the Lord is not vain.  Everything that we do to please Him and to bring glory to His Name will not go to the waste basket.  It will be treasured and blessed by Our Lord Himself.  He will see to it that it will be used to accomplish His will and purpose.  So, let us finish this new year with the same spirit: it’s a family thing.

Pastor Paul
Yes, it was a family event.  Some of you had made the preparation by thinking and planning the program, by getting the songs ready, by giving a crashed course on dancing (which I proudly claim that I took part in it!), by decorating the hall and the tables so artistically, by spending hours and dollars preparing the food, by serving it, and by cleaning it.  (Forgive me if forgot to mention others; my memory does not always serve me well.)

Personally I also would like to thank some of you who years ago had thought of having a fun and Christ-centered New Year’s Eve Celebration.  That’s the beginning of it all—a desire to align everything that we do to that which gives glory to Jesus Our Lord.  I remember some years ago the preparation was done by only a handful of you.  It was definitely a daunting task to prepare something of that magnitude with only a few helping hands.  So, now you passed the baton over to the church to continue this good tradition.  Thank you.  Your labor in the Lord was not in vain.

Yes, our labor in the Lord is not vain.  Everything that we do to please Him and to bring glory to His Name will not go to the waste basket.  It will be treasured and blessed by Our Lord Himself.  He will see to it that it will be used to accomplish His will and purpose.  So, let us finish this new year with the same spirit: it’s a family thing.

Pastor Paul

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