November 6, 2016

The Shepherd's Corner


Dr. James Dobson, psychologist and founder of Focus on the Family Ministry, shares that out of all the books he wrote, he spent the most time studying the Bible when he wrote, When God Does Not Make Sense. It makes perfect sense, not only because it is a difficult topic to tackle but also because he had to dig in the answer to the all-too-common and poignant question, “Why does God allow tragedy to happen in our life?”

Dr. Dobson of course does not presume to know the answers to all the sufferings that take place under the sun. But, among the many findings he discovered, a couple of observations stood out. First, almost all the heroes of the Bible were intimately familiar with pain and suffering. It is a universal experience. At some point we go through experiences in which to us God just does not make sense.

Secondly, even when God does not make sense to us, He still makes sense. In other words, we may be confused because we see God contradicting Himself but no, He does not contradict Himself. What He does makes perfect sense and we just have to hold on to our faith. Yes, it is faith that will carry us through this difficult period.

C. S. Lewis in his book, The Screwtape Letters, writes, “Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one—the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.” Oh how true! The road to Hell is easy and enjoyable; we can practically do whatever we want! Conversely the road to Heaven is difficult and painful. Tears and confusion, anger and disappointment will mark the journey. But, there are many signposts—telling us where to go and encouraging us to keep going. Heaven is near; do not stop; Jesus is waiting.

Pastor Paul

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