June 12, 2016

The Shepherd's Corner


Those of you who were present at Cynthia’s home last week might still remember what Pascal, her son, said. When I asked him to share what his wish for his marriage was, he answered that he would like his marriage to last forever. He cited the fact that many of you who came were people he had known since he was little and he saw that you had kept your marriage intact. To him, you—and of course his parents—have provided him with a good example.

What Pascal said that night serves as a reminder that people watch us! They do not only watch our behavior; they also watch our marriage. I know it is not always easy to keep our marriage; I also know that at times we cannot attain to that which is ideal. Life—and marriage—can go wrong and when it does, it gives us pain. But, when we can keep it from falling apart, it does send an encouraging message to the young: It is possible!

As important as our marriage is, there is something that’s more important: our character. Let me quote the words of Pastor Rick Warren from his book, The Purpose-Driven Life, “Much confusion in the Christian life comes from ignoring the truth that God is far more interested in building your character than he is in anything else . . . . God is more interested in what you are than in what you do . . . . because you will take your character into eternity . . . .”

We’ll not take our marriage into eternity; it is our character that we’ll take with us to Jesus Our Lord. If that is the case, we can, then, view marriage from a different lens. In the hands of God, marriage is a tool He uses to mold our character. Through our interactions—and conflicts—God shapes our character to be more like His Only Son, Jesus. This perspective will help us . . . stay!

Pastor Paul

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