August 7, 2016

The Shepherd's Corner


The other day when I was standing outside, I saw a little bird flying over a tree. I could tell it was still a baby bird because when it flapped its wings, it made a lot of noise. A full-grown bird does not make any noise when it flies. Also, I noticed it didn’t fly far; it just flew around a tree, then, stopped, before it flew again. A full-grown bird flies from tree to tree and over the trees.

I have met people who make a lot of noise but do not go very far and I have met those who do not make a lot of noise but go very far. They accomplish much for the Lord—quietly and efficiently. They hardly say anything about themselves or the work they do. They just plod along but as they walk, they bring forth fruits.

I have met men, who became pillars in their homes; I have met women, who held everyone in their homes together; and I have met children, who became the backbone of their families. And, I have met men and women who became tremendous blessings to those around them, without their realizing it. They just plod along, doing what they are called to do; they meet needs and help others meet their needs. They walk very far but they make no noise.

Again and again I go back to the words of Gary Thomas in his book, The Beautiful Fight, “God’s glory is recognized not just through forgiven people but through transformed and compelling people—this is one of the ways He makes Himself visible to many who would never pick up a Bible.” When we are transformed by the Holy Spirit we become different and better. And, when we are different and better, we become compelling—we make people ask. Not, “What’s wrong?”, but rather, “What’s the secret?” That’s the time they recognize that they have come face to face with God’s glory.


The other day when I was standing outside, I saw a little bird flying over a tree. I could tell it was still a baby bird because when it flapped its wings, it made a lot of noise. A full-grown bird does not make any noise when it flies. Also, I noticed it didn’t fly far; it just flew around a tree, then, stopped, before it flew again. A full-grown bird flies from tree to tree and over the trees.

I have met people who make a lot of noise but do not go very far and I have met those who do not make a lot of noise but go very far. They accomplish much for the Lord—quietly and efficiently. They hardly say anything about themselves or the work they do. They just plod along but as they walk, they bring forth fruits.

I have met men, who became pillars in their homes; I have met women, who held everyone in their homes together; and I have met children, who became the backbone of their families. And, I have met men and women who became tremendous blessings to those around them, without their realizing it. They just plod along, doing what they are called to do; they meet needs and help others meet their needs. They walk very far but they make no noise.

Again and again I go back to the words of Gary Thomas in his book, The Beautiful Fight, “God’s glory is recognized not just through forgiven people but through transformed and compelling people—this is one of the ways He makes Himself visible to many who would never pick up a Bible.” When we are transformed by the Holy Spirit we become different and better. And, when we are different and better, we become compelling—we make people ask. Not, “What’s wrong?”, but rather, “What’s the secret?” That’s the time they recognize that they have come face to face with God’s glory.

Pastor Paul[:]

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