March 5, 2017

The Shepherd's Corner

[:id]What is faith?

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1

How confident are we in our faith? How assured are we that Jesus is our all and all and we have a calling to live and walk by faith?

Faith implies risk - so I try to ask myself, "When was the last time you took steps of faith?" If we're not taking any risks for Jesus are we really living with faith?

We read in Hebrews 11:6 that without faith it is impossible to please God, so the only way to please God is with faith.

When we define our lives and the way that we live our lives would we use the word "faith"?

We don't just place our faith in Jesus, but the way that "Belief" was viewed in Jesus' time was that it compelled people to do something about what they "believed."

What the world needs is something, or better yet, someone to believe in. Everyone will disappoint except for Jesus. Will you be someone to direct people to the Only One worth believing in? It may be a risk for you to step out in faith and speak up, but doesn't faith imply risk? Isn't faith the one thing that pleases God? Let's be people who live by faith, are a voice of hope, and are known by love to the world.

Pastor Steve[:]

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