1.Congratulations to Oscar and Grace Pratama for the dedications of their third child, Gwen Graciella Goh and to Kevin and Fransisca Yaori for the dedications of their first child, Chloe Elsa Yaori.
2.The Women’s fellowship that is scheduled for September 18 is postponed until September 25.
3.There will be no choir practice today.
4.Thank you to all who have taken part and made our service possible today. God bless you.
5.Welcome to our new visitors. Thank you for coming. Please come again.
ATTENDANCE LAST SUNDAY Indonesian: 70; Lifeline: 21; KIDS ROCK and IMPACT: 15
WORSHIP TEAM: September 19, 2021
SERMON: Paul Gunadi
PRESIDER: Cynthia Inderabudhi
MUSICIAN: Santy Gunadi dan Praise Team
SINGERS: Nina Atmadja – Peggy Sam – Tony Minarto
USHERS: Heny Junus – Gladys Hidayat
OFFERING: Indra Thijssen – Jenny Tsuji