[:en]ANNOUNCEMENT: September 2, 2018
1.Family fellowship will be held on Saturday, September 8 at 6:00 pm at the house of Janty and Santi Natawidjaja, 463 W. Winnie Way, Arcadia, CA 91006, (626) 447-8556. Everyone is invited to attend.
2.On Saturday, September 8, Lifeline is doing Café Night, an outdoor service and sharing time, in the church courtyard from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm. Refreshments will be provided. Please contact Pastor Steve Campodonico for more information.
3.Today, World Harvest (IFGF church) will have a booth in the church courtyard to promote their ministry. Please stop by the booth to support their ministry if you feel called to do so.
4.Today we will sell baso goreng as part of the retreat fundraising. If you wish to purchase, please contact Selo Gunawan.
5.Welcome to our new visitors. Thank you for coming. Please come again.

ATTENDANCE LAST SUNDAY: Indonesia: 95; Lifeline: 24; KIDS ROCK and IMPACT: 15

WORSHIP TEAM: September 09, 2018
SERMON: Paul Gunadi
PRESIDER: Weni Primanto
MUSICIAN: Santy Gunadi and Pingkan Sepang
SINGERS: Peggy Sam – Marina Tjahyadi – Donald Moningka
USHERS: Robert Taroreh – Thomas Adidjaja
OFFERING: Roni Inderabudhi – Vincent Chai
AUDIO/VISUAL OPERATOR: Harry Pratama[:id]PENGUMUMAN: 02 September, 2018
1.Persekutuan Keluarga akan diadakan pada Sabtu, 8 September, pk. 6:00 pm di rumah Janty dan Santi Natawidjaja, 463 W. Winnie Way, Arcadia, CA 91006, (626) 447-8556. Semua jemaat diundang untuk hadir.
2.Pada hari Sabtu, September 8, Lifeline akan mengadakan café night, kebaktian dan kesaksian di halaman depan gereja dari jam 6:30 pm -8:30 pm. Akan disediakan makanan kecil. Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut harap menghubungi Pastor Steve Campodonico.
3.Hari ini World Harvest (IFGF Church) akan membuka booth di halaman gereja untuk memperkenalkan pelayanan mereka. Jemaat bisa mengunjungi booth dan bila merasa tergerak, bisa memberi mereka dukungan.
4.Hari ini ada bakso goreng untuk retreat fundraising. Yang berminat harap menghubungi Selo Gunawan.
5.Selamat datang bagi Saudara yang baru pertama kali datang beribadah di gereja kami. Kami mengundang saudara untuk datang kembali.

HADIR MINGGU LALU: Indonesia: 95; Lifeline: 24; KIDS ROCK dan IMPACT: 15

PELAYANAN MINGGU DEPAN: 09 September, 2018
PEMUSIK: Santy Gunadi dan Pingkan Sepang
PENYANYI: Peggy Sam – Marina Tjahyadi – Donald Moningka
PENYAMBUT: Robert Taroreh – Thomas Adidjaja
PERSEMBAHAN: Roni Inderabudhi – Vincent Chai