ANNOUNCEMENT: November 07, 2021
1.Thank you to everyone who donated candy and prayed for Lifeline’s outreach on Halloween – it was awesome. We estimated that around 400 people from the community came. Thank you again.
2.Women’s fellowship will be held on Saturday, November 13 at 10:00 am to 11:30 am at the house of Poppy Adidjaja; 465 E. Covina Blvd. (626) 967-9364. Every woman is invited to attend.
3.We don’t have choir practice today.
4.Thank you to all who have taken part and made our service possible today. God bless you.
5.Welcome to our new visitors. Thank you for coming. Please come again.
ATTENDANCE LAST SUNDAY Indonesian: 55; Lifeline: 28; KIDS ROCK and IMPACT: 12
WORSHIP TEAM: November 14, 2021
SERMON: Santa Rusliana
PRESIDER: Eluz Mantik
MUSICIAN: Joyce Ling and Praise Team
SINGERS: Enge Mulyapatera – Ai Hoa – Richard Budiman
USHERS: Thomas Adidjaja – Poppy Adidjaja
OFFERING: Hadi Tan – Louisa Tan