[:en]ANNOUNCEMENT: November 25, 2018
1.Next Sunday we will have Holy Communion. Please pray and prepare your hearts for this occasion.
2.BKS-GICS and KJRI Los Angeles’ Christmas celebration will be held on Saturday, December 1, at First Church of the Nazarene, 1311 W. 5th Street, Ontario, CA 91762. Bazaar starts at 4:00 pm, service starts at 6:00 pm and Christmas celebration starts at 7:30 pm. Everyone is invited to attend.
3.Life Group is collecting personal hygiene items like toothbrush, toothpaste, socks, etc. (no mouthwash please since mouthwash contains alcohol) until Saturday, December 15 for the homeless. Bin for the items is located in front of the sanctuary. For more information contact Lina Wong or Paty Campodonico.
4.We will have choir practice today.
5.Come and support the bake sale that Urbana Mission Conference group will sponsor next Sunday, December 2 as part of their fundraising event.
6.Welcome to our new visitors. Thank you for coming. Please come again.

ATTENDANCE LAST SUNDAY: Indonesian: 105; Lifeline: 26; KIDS ROCK and IMPACT: 14

WORSHIP TEAM: December 2, 2018
SERMON: Paul Gunadi
PRESIDER: Poppy Adidjaja
MUSICIAN: Joyce Ling
SINGERS: Marina Tjahjadi – Weni Primanto – Patrick Lim
USHERS: Jenny Tsuji – Citra Lau
OFFERING: Indra Thijssen – Katharin Kuhn
AUDIO/VISUAL OPERATOR: Oscar Pratama[:id]PENGUMUMAN: 25 November, 2018
1.Perjamuan Kudus akan diadakan Minggu depan. Harap jemaat berdoa dan mempersiapkan hati dan pikiran untuk acara ini.
2.Perayaan Natal Bersama BKS-GICS dan KJRI Los Angeles akan diadakan hari Sabtu, 1 December, bertempat di First Church of the Nazarene, 1311 W. 5th Street, Ontario, CA 91762. Jam 4:00 pm bazaar, 6:00 pm ibadah dan perayaan Natal dimulai jam 7:30 pm. Seluruh jemaat diundang untuk hadir.
3.Life Group mengumpulkan sumbangan barang2 kebutuhan higienis seperti sikat gigi, odol, kaus kaki dll (jangan memberi mouthwash karena mengandung alcohol) sampai Sabtu, 15 December untuk dibagikan kepada para tuna wisma (homeless). Bin untuk sumbangan disediakan di depan pintu masuk ke ruang kebaktian. Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, dapat menghubungi Lina Wong atau Paty Campodonico.
4.Hari ini akan diadakan latihan paduan suara.
5.Kehadiran dan dukungan Saudara dalam acara bake sale untuk fundraising yang akan diadakan oleh Urbana Mission Conference group pada Minggu, December 2 sangat diharapkan.
6.Selamat datang bagi Saudara yang baru pertama kali datang beribadah di gereja kami. Kami Mengundang Saudara untuk datang kembali.

HADIR MINGGU LALU: Indonesia: 105; Lifeline: 26; KIDS ROCK dan IMPACT: 14

PEMUSIK: Joyce Ling
PENYANYI: Marina Tjahjadi – Weni Primanto – Patrick Lim
PENYAMBUT: Jenny Tsuji – Citra Lau
PERSEMBAHAN: Indra Thijssen – Katharin Kuhn