1.Our condolences to the passing of Gustaf Moningka, the father of our sister Grace Pratama and the brother of our sister Rooz Taroreh on Tuesday, November 12 in Manado. May God give the family comfort and strength during this difficult time.
2.Retreat participants please remain in the sanctuary after service for a short announcement given by the committee.
3.We will have choir practice today.
4.Thank you to all who have taken part and made our service possible today. God bless you.
5.Welcome to our new visitors. Thank you for coming. Please come again.
ATTENDANCE LAST SUNDAY: Indonesian: 125; Lifeline: 27; KIDS ROCK and IMPACT: 15
WORSHIP TEAM: November 24, 2024
SERMON: Yesaya Adidjaja
PRESIDER: Cynthia Inderabudhi
MUSICIAN: Praise Team
SINGERS: Peggy Sam – Rendy Moningka – Donald Moningka
USHERS: Marlinang Farach – Melany Sie
OFFERING: Gladys Hidayat – Diana Phan