1.Next Sunday we will have Holy Communion. Please pray and prepare your hearts for this occasion.
2.Today we will have a baby shower for Stefani Sisilia at 3:30 pm in the Sunday School room. All women are invited to attend.
3.Right after service and before lunch, all mothers that want to pray for their children (Moms in prayer) will meet at the Sunday School room to pray.
4.Church picnic will be held on Saturday, July 8 at Frank G. Regional Bonelli Park, San Dimas, CA. Picnic will start at 10:00 am. For more information contact Richard Budiman (626) 808-1009. The picnic will be potluck and everybody is invited to attend.
5.Today we will have choir and angklung practice.
6.Thank you to all who have taken part and made our service possible today. God bless you.
7.Welcome to our new visitors. Thank you for coming. Please come again.

ATTENDANCE LAST SUNDAY: Indonesian: 110; Lifeline: 27; KIDS ROCK and IMPACT: 11

WORSHIP TEAM: July 02, 2023
SERMON: Paul Gunadi
PRESIDER: Weni Primanto
MUSICIAN: Joyce Ling and Praise Team
SINGERS: Ai Hoa – Wina Lim – Michael Moningka
USHERS: Louisa Tan – Selo Gunawan
OFFERING: Hadi Tan – Tjandra Gunawan