ANNOUNCEMENT: July 28, 2019
1.Thank you to the former deacons: Peter Chua, Augustine Wong and Bram Tambayong for their ministries these past years. God bless you.
2.Congratulations to the new deacons: Cynthia Inderabudhi, Joseph Lim, and Eluz Mantik and to the continuing deacons: Enge Mulyapatera and Harry Pratama . God bless your ministries.
3.Next Sunday we will have Holy Communion. Please pray and prepare your hearts for this occasion.
4.We will have choir practice today.
5.Welcome to our new visitors. Thank you for coming. Please come again.
ATTENDANCE LAST SUNDAY: Indonesian: 110; Lifeline: 33; KIDS ROCK and IMPACT: 14
WORSHIP TEAM: August 04, 2019
SERMON: Paul Gunadi
PRESIDER: Poppy Adidjaja
MUSICIAN: Joyce Ling
SINGERS: Wina Lim – Sjafy Lim – Donni Lim
USHERS: Tensas Djuhana – Devi Djuhana
OFFERING: Dave Oen – Inne Oen