ANNOUNCEMENT: July 14, 2019
1.Today a ballot to vote for new deacons will be distributed. Your participation is appreciated and don’t forget to write your name on the ballot.
2.Women’s fellowship will be held on Saturday, July 20 at 10:30 am to 12:00 am at the church. Every woman is invited to attend.
3.Before women’s fellowship on Saturday, July 20, we will have a yoga class taught by Lina Lee from 9:00 am-10:00 am. Bring a yoga mat. This class is open to everybody (men and women).
4.Yolanda Venegas is going to Indonesia on July 29 and will serve there. Please pray for her safe journey and ministry.
5.Today we will have choir practice.
6.Welcome to our new visitors. Thank you for coming. Please come again.

ATTENDANCE LAST SUNDAY: Indonesian: 126; Lifeline: 17; KIDS ROCK and IMPACT: 11

WORSHIP TEAM: July 21, 2019
SERMON: Martus Maleakhi
PRESIDER: Weni Primanto
MUSICIAN: Santy Gunadi
SINGERS: Peggy Sam – Heny Junus – Donald Moningka
USHERS: Robert Taroreh – Thomas Adidjaja
OFFERING: Yudi Mulyapatera – Vincent Chai