1.Women’s fellowship will be held on Saturday, February 18, at 10:00 am at the church. Every woman is invited to attend.
2.Lifeline will be ordering T-shirts and tote bags from a new design that Madi Moningka and Bram Tambayong worked on. T-shirts and totes are $8.00 each. If you’d like to order any please talk with Pastor Steve Campodonico to see samples and order this week or next week.
3.We will have choir practice today.
4.Thank you to all who have taken part and made our service possible today. God bless you.
5.Welcome to our new visitors. Thank you for coming. Please come again.

ATTENDANCE LAST SUNDAY: Indonesian: 97; Lifeline: 24; KIDS ROCK and IMPACT: 15

WORSHIP TEAM: February 19, 2023
SERMON: Paul Gunadi
PRESIDER: Eluz Mantik
MUSICIAN: Elza Suhendra and Praise Team
SINGERS: Marina Tjahjadi – Nina Atmadja – Bengky Atmadja
USHERS: Jenny Tsuji – Citra Lau
OFFERING: Nani Kurniawan – Enge Mulyapatera