ANNOUNCEMENT: December 26, 2021
1.There will be no Prayer Meeting and Bible Study on Wednesday, December 29, 2021 and January 5, 2022. The meeting will resume on Wednesday, January 12, 2022.
2.Service and celebration to welcome the New Year will be held on Friday, December 31 at church at 7:00 pm. Everyone is invited to attend.
3.There will be an informational meeting on January 2 after lunch at the church about the Fiji Summer 2022 mission trip. Please talk to Pastor Steve if you have any questions.
4.Next Sunday we will have Holy Communion. Please pray and prepare your hearts for this occasion.
5.We will have no choir practice today.
6.Welcome to our new visitors. Thank you for coming. Please come again.

ATTENDANCE LAST SUNDAY: Indonesia: 102; Lifeline: 33; Kids ROCK: 9

WORSHIP TEAM: December 31, 2021
SERMON: Dedy Sutendi
PRESIDER: Weni Primanto
MUSICIAN: Joyce Ling dan Praise Team
SINGERS: Wina Lim – Randy Moningka – Donald Moningka
USHERS: Hadi Tan - Louisa Tan