December 22, 2019

The Shepherd's Corner


Today we have come to the fourth week of Advent—the last Sunday before Christmas-- and the fourth candle, which is called the Magi’s Candle, signifies love. The advent or the coming of Jesus the Son of God personifies the love of the Father who sent His Only Son to the world. Because of love God became a man, from conception to death. And, because of love, He invited the Magi to come.

To announce the birth of the Savior to the world, God sent His star to the Magi, the Babylonians’ scientists. To announce the birth of the Savior to Israel, God sent His angels to the shepherds. Different messengers, different audience, but the same message: God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son, so whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.

We know that our biggest challenge is not that we need to pray more, or we need to give more, but rather we need to love more. We know that we still have a long way to meet God’s command to love one another when we cannot love somebody who has done something to us, something which we don’t like. When we cross that person’s name from our list, we know we still have a long way.

Despite his effort to maintain financial integrity, Billy Graham was once attacked on that very front when headlines all over the country declared that he had a “slush fund” of $20 million in a Dallas account. The money was actually for world evangelization and Christian education; it’s not his and it’s not for him. When his associates learned of the news many were angry at the reporters. But not Billy. He, in fact, complimented the reporters for teaching him, “good lessons” to be more transparent. He’s not angry; he forgave; he was introspective and teachable; because he loved.

Pastor Paul

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