November 19, 2017

The Shepherd's Corner


One of the men that God has used to shape my outlook toward life is pastor Chuck Swindoll. There are many admirable qualities that I found in him, one of them is he’s a grateful man. Both in his books and sermons he often refers to those who have impacted his life. He calls those people, the Giving Trees, based on a short film with the same title. This film is about a tree that loved a boy.

The story goes that when the boy was young he used to climb over tree, play, and eat its apples. The tree loved those times. As the boy grew older, he spent less and less time with the tree because he only thought about money. So, the tree told him to pick up the apples and sell them. The boy, who was now a man, did. The man grew older and hardly came by. One day he did, he was tired and wanted to get away. So, the tree told him to cut its trunk to make a boat out of it, so he could sail away. The man did.

Many years later the man came back. He was old; he couldn’t play, pursue riches, or sail away anymore. So, the tree said to him, “I have a pretty good stump left, my friend. Why don’t you just sit down and rest?” He did, and the tree was happy.

When he was reflecting on this story, Pastor Churck Swindoll asked himself a question, “How many Giving Trees have there been in my life? How many have released part of themselves so I might grow, accomplish my goals, find wholeness and satisfaction?” Pastor Chuck answered, “So, so many. Thank you Lord, for each one!”

How many Giving Trees have there been in our lives? I am sure, many! But, only One who has given everything for us, including His life. His name is Jesus. Thank you, Lord, for giving all to us.


One of the men that God has used to shape my outlook toward life is pastor Chuck Swindoll. There are many admirable qualities that I found in him, one of them is he’s a grateful man. Both in his books and sermons he often refers to those who have impacted his life. He calls those people, the Giving Trees, based on a short film with the same title. This film is about a tree that loved a boy.

The story goes that when the boy was young he used to climb over tree, play, and eat its apples. The tree loved those times. As the boy grew older, he spent less and less time with the tree because he only thought about money. So, the tree told him to pick up the apples and sell them. The boy, who was now a man, did. The man grew older and hardly came by. One day he did, he was tired and wanted to get away. So, the tree told him to cut its trunk to make a boat out of it, so he could sail away. The man did.

Many years later the man came back. He was old; he couldn’t play, pursue riches, or sail away anymore. So, the tree said to him, “I have a pretty good stump left, my friend. Why don’t you just sit down and rest?” He did, and the tree was happy.

When he was reflecting on this story, Pastor Churck Swindoll asked himself a question, “How many Giving Trees have there been in my life? How many have released part of themselves so I might grow, accomplish my goals, find wholeness and satisfaction?” Pastor Chuck answered, “So, so many. Thank you Lord, for each one!”

How many Giving Trees have there been in our lives? I am sure, many! But, only One who has given everything for us, including His life. His name is Jesus. Thank you, Lord, for giving all to us.

Pastor Paul[:]

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