February 13, 2015

The Shepherd's Corner

Four F's - FREEDOM
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free." (Gal. 5:1)
"Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom" (2 Cor. 3:17)SHEPHERD’S CORNER

Four F's - FREEDOM
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free." (Gal. 5:1)
"Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom" (2 Cor. 3:17)

There are many verses in the New Testament that talk about how Christ came to bring us freedom. So while there are many things Christ came to do, I think we can all agree that one of them is to give us freedom?

But freedom from what?

Sin? The fear of death? Death itself? Yes. Yes. And Yes.

But I think it's more than that. I think it's freedom to not let things of this world define who we are. I think it's freedom to be who God created you to be and not what you think others want you to be. It's freedom to be in a relationship with Him and to come to Him over and over again no matter how many times we mess up or fail Him. It's also freedom to be who I am in our community and not fear being judged. It's an amazing feeling to feel free.

I think of what it would be like to lose my freedom. I can't stand it when I'm tied up. I wouldn't like being locked up. I can't stand sitting still. But I know it's so much worse when my heart is not free. When my heart is free and not held captive by things of this world I am truly ready to become all Christ desires me to be. One of the best ways to experience that freedom is to allow our character to become more like Christ. Do I reflect Jesus in all I do, say, think, and choose? The more I do, the more I will find freedom in Christ, and not only will I become who Christ destined me to become, but the community I am a part of will become that much closer to God's ideal for it. Let's truly seek to live in freedom - not just free from sin and death, but free to become everything Christ wants us to be.

I hope we'll remember the 4 F's: faith, forgiveness, fellowship, and freedom and how growing in them all can impact our community.

Pastor Steve

There are many verses in the New Testament that talk about how Christ came to bring us freedom. So while there are many things Christ came to do, I think we can all agree that one of them is to give us freedom?

But freedom from what?

Sin? The fear of death? Death itself? Yes. Yes. And Yes.

But I think it's more than that. I think it's freedom to not let things of this world define who we are. I think it's freedom to be who God created you to be and not what you think others want you to be. It's freedom to be in a relationship with Him and to come to Him over and over again no matter how many times we mess up or fail Him. It's also freedom to be who I am in our community and not fear being judged. It's an amazing feeling to feel free.

I think of what it would be like to lose my freedom. I can't stand it when I'm tied up. I wouldn't like being locked up. I can't stand sitting still. But I know it's so much worse when my heart is not free. When my heart is free and not held captive by things of this world I am truly ready to become all Christ desires me to be. One of the best ways to experience that freedom is to allow our character to become more like Christ. Do I reflect Jesus in all I do, say, think, and choose? The more I do, the more I will find freedom in Christ, and not only will I become who Christ destined me to become, but the community I am a part of will become that much closer to God's ideal for it. Let's truly seek to live in freedom - not just free from sin and death, but free to become everything Christ wants us to be.

I hope we'll remember the 4 F's: faith, forgiveness, fellowship, and freedom and how growing in them all can impact our community.

Pastor Steve

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