February 8, 2015

The Shepherd's Corner


When I think of fellowship, I think of fun...I think of laughter, food, outings, but too often I confuse friendship and true fellowship. While the above things are definitely a part of fellowship, fellowship goes much deeper than that. It's founded on spiritual values we hold together. The word fellowship denotes "sharing something." Faith communities are designed to form "tight" or close relationships based on what we have in common - mainly Christ.

Paul writes to the church in Thessalonica, "We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God, but our very lives as well." (1 Ths. 2:8). When we have true fellowship the "real" us is free to come out. We aren't driven by things of this world (gossip, what others expect of me, what others will say about me, etc.), but we're driven by faith and values we share in Christ. Simply put we have true fellowship when we live lives of faith together. Fellowship is born out of shared faith - something that is open, real, and vulnerable.

How would you rate our "fellowship" here at FIBC and Lifeline? Why? When you think of our fellowship, what comes to mind? Singing together? Eating together? Laughing together? While these are definitely a part of fellowship, what about the other, deeper aspects? Like being open together? Forgiving one another? Truly seeking God together? Taking steps of faith together?

When I think of our community (your families, faces, and smiles), I think - "I love these people!" But I also think what could happen as we grow deeper and deeper in fellowship. As I see the church in the book of Acts, I see a powerhouse community of faith that literally changed the world.fellowship-0208

When I think of fellowship, I think of fun...I think of laughter, food, outings, but too often I confuse friendship and true fellowship. While the above things are definitely a part of fellowship, fellowship goes much deeper than that. It's founded on spiritual values we hold together. The word fellowship denotes "sharing something." Faith communities are designed to form "tight" or close relationships based on what we have in common - mainly Christ.

Paul writes to the church in Thessalonica, "We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God, but our very lives as well." (1 Ths. 2:8). When we have true fellowship the "real" us is free to come out. We aren't driven by things of this world (gossip, what others expect of me, what others will say about me, etc.), but we're driven by faith and values we share in Christ. Simply put we have true fellowship when we live lives of faith together. Fellowship is born out of shared faith - something that is open, real, and vulnerable.

How would you rate our "fellowship" here at FIBC and Lifeline? Why? When you think of our fellowship, what comes to mind? Singing together? Eating together? Laughing together? While these are definitely a part of fellowship, what about the other, deeper aspects? Like being open together? Forgiving one another? Truly seeking God together? Taking steps of faith together?

When I think of our community (your families, faces, and smiles), I think - "I love these people!" But I also think what could happen as we grow deeper and deeper in fellowship. As I see the church in the book of Acts, I see a powerhouse community of faith that literally changed the world.

Let's remember that the depth of our fellowship depends mostly on us and our willingness to trust one another. Let's continue to grow in true fellowship and see all the amazing things God has in store for us.

Pastor Steve

Let's remember that the depth of our fellowship depends mostly on us and our willingness to trust one another. Let's continue to grow in true fellowship and see all the amazing things God has in store for us.

Pastor Steve

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